iPod Touch turned out to be the one!
But all that changed when I walked in to BTOptions hoping to checkout an FM Transmitter for my ipod. That's when I saw they had the latest iPod touch 16GB. What happened next was unbelievable in that I remember handing my credit card before blacking out. Ok so may be I'm being a bit too dramatic. The touch was a device which had already been under my radar but I did't think I'd actually buy this first-gen device.
But I did and here is why:
* it was staring me in the face
* price was close to getting from the US
* runs on UNIX aka BSD though would have prefered Gnu/Linux
* Ultra portable, scratch proof surface
* Nice UI and input method
* BUT ABOVE MOST - It can be hacked!
So here I am after having installed two dozens of nice home brew apps lying in bed writing this blog on my new shiney iPod Touch.
P.S: Photos uploaded and included later using a notebook.
hey how much does cost it?
I love this gadget and slowly migrating my contact list and calendar to it from my aging Nokia 6230i.
My only complaint is the lack of bluetooth which would have made this a bit more interesting.
One option around this is to get an iphone from the US and hack that. But then you don't get a local warrenty if something goes wrong.
The touch is also slightly slimmer than the iphone and I generally prefer the PDA and the phone to be not integrated so I can upgrade the phone (get 3G for example) without having to worry about the other.
But if your getting the touch without wanting to hack it, then its really not that useful at all. IMHO buy it only if you want to hack it.
for anything but audio. You might as well get the bluetooth to stereo adapter as opposed to an iPod only device.